Carolina's Finest Detailing

Paint Correction Explained…..

So what exactly is paint correction? You may know it as buffing or even “machine waxing.”  The fact of the matter is…..paint correction is a fancy, technical term we came up with years ago to signify the advancements of the art of paint correction. The technology used to “correct paint” has definitely come a long way and we are able to achieve far superior results than years ago. Ok so we have established a little about the term. But what exactly is paint correction? 

Simply put, paint correction is the act of removing or minimizing defects from your vehicles finish. These defects usually consist of:

  • Swirling or spider webbing 
  • Scratches & chips
  • Waterspots
  • Bird poop/bug etching
  • Oxidation
  • Other various contamination 

To remove these defects, we generally will use tools such as:

  • Polishers of various sizes
  • Various pads with different levels of harshness and size
  • Compound and polishes
  • Sand paper (This is generally used for heavy defects and usually the last resort)
  • Factory matched touch up paint

Paint correction is something that is not easily learned overnight and takes a true professional to do it right without inflicting further damage to your vehicles finish. The fact of the matter is that not all defects can be fully removed. With todays thin paint finishes; your detailer should be focused on drastically improving the defects, not perfection. Striving to 100% remove some defects is actually doing a disservice to your vehicles finish. 

With over 20 years experience in performing these types of services, trust that Dr. Swirl Killer will provide you with a superior outcome that will leave you smiling and have you fall in love with your vehicle all over again.