Carolina's Finest Detailing

Detailing Debunked – Does A Ceramic Coating Fill In Swirls?

Detailing Debunked – Does a ceramic coating fill in swirls?

   In our series of debunked articles, we are talking about myths or common misconceptions invoked in the detailing industry. In the next installment, we will address whether a ceramic coating “fills” in swirls and other imperfections present on the vehicle’s finish. So let’s dive right in. 

     It’s easy to assume that a ceramic coating would fill in these imperfections based on older technology designed to protect the finish. The glaze that was commonly used was in fact designed to fill in and enhance the vehicle’s finish. Carnauba paste waxes would also slightly fill in swirls and scratches. This is why many show cars would have multiple coats layered of glaze and then carnauba paste wax to fill in and hide the flaws in the finish. These types of products do not last very long and merely sit on top of the finish. 

     Ceramic coatings are very different technology, however; and are not designed to just sit on top of the paint finish. This is one of many reasons why a ceramic coating lasts for years instead of weeks or months. As you apply a ceramic coating to the surface; it creates a strong, lasting bond to the surface. Thus, it will bond to all the valleys of swirls and scratches rather than sit on top of them. Now one could argue that this bond would fill. And the fact is that you can be right. Can it fill very slight imperfections? The answer is yes. These would be imperfections that are a lot harder to identify than heavier swirls and scratches. 

       Another argument one could make is that layering a coating will in fact fill swirls and scratches. The truth is that the more layers of coating you apply, it can in fact fill. But the deeper the imperfection, the more layers it would require to achieve a filling effect. However; no more than two coats is really required when applying a ceramic coating to a vehicle’s surface. Applying any more will not make a ceramic coating last any longer.  

     In closing, it’s safe to say that a ceramic coating does not fill in swirls or scratches like glaze or wax. This is generally why you want to perform at least a one-step polish to remove some imperfections and enhance the surface before applying a ceramic coating. Looking to refresh and protect your vehicle’s finish? Contact us today